Liz emailed the project to share her memories of growing up near the cemeteries and an unusual discovery:

‘My name is Liz and i grew up a road away from Key Hill Cemetary, as a child we often went to both cemeteries with school (Brookfields) to collect leaves in the autumn, to find the graves of Chamberlain and walk around learning.

As I got older I would use them to walk through and managed to find a grave with the same exact name of my own who died exactly one month before I was born. This has both excited and unnerved me for many years though it makes me feel I have a connection to it. I noticed recently that Warstone Lane Cemetery has a new fence, it’s nice to see one back after so many years. I also remember the cemetery caretaker from the 1980’s, can’t remember his name but he would always speak to my mom.

My mom still lives there so I get to pass it often, not been inside them in years but it’s good to see they are being looked after. The cemeteries and local history have always fascinated me and I just love the trees in the autumn.’

‘Also Elizabeth Lucy Evans, Died June 30th 1976. Aged 76.’

Jewellery Quarter Cemeteries Project


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